martes, 1 de abril de 2008

Technical difficulties.

Hello friends of the equally foolish. As you may have noticed the blog has been slow lately. There are several reasons to why we haven't been kicking ass as we used to (during the two months we been out there..). One of those reasons is that my dear partners inspector Clouseau and Albin (once known as the great Albinpedia.) haven't been posting shit for the last couple of weeks. This leaves me with no choice but to resort to name calling and defamation until they pull their shit together and make the blog what it used to be!

(Note to Albin. I intentionally made the speech bubble as ugly as possible and used comic sans cause I know you hate it Mr. Graphic Designer!)

Sincerely yours//Shahin

2 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

Sorry man, but i think that comic sans ms is over the line. Its just awful.


Shahin Albin Mackan dijo...

I had no choice drastic measures where needed...