martes, 15 de abril de 2008

Friends: Partytornet

They call girls "hens" and their liquor consumption is referred to as "bomb", straight out of Landskrona Sweden comes this new blog that a couple of my friends started to write about their weekend antics and beyond. Read about the latest drunken fight outside the Pølsemannen trolley or who put his or hers whatnot in what.

What might be small town depression to some is happiness to others. We let you be the judge of that. However if you want to have a look into small town life in Sweden have a look at the Partytornet and if your not Swedish just ignore all of the things i just wrote because the blog is entirely in Swedish.

You can find a link to the blog under "Friend of the foolish." to the right. And keep an eye out for new links as we have a ton of friends that deserve to be linked.

Until next time // Shahin

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